Donald Trump is Scared of Megyn Kelly

Trump has been accusing Megyn Kelly of unfair treatment ever since he stepped off stage at the first Fox News debate in August.

But he’s ratcheted up those attacks in recent days in an apparent attempt to influence the Fox News moderators ahead of Thursday’s debate.

“I don’t like her. She doesn’t treat me fairly. I’m not a big fan of hers at all,” Trump said during Monday’s interview.

He also claimed that he “might be the best thing that ever happened to her,” because no one had ever heard of her before the August debate.

Trump also suggested he might skip the debate unless he was confident Kelly would treat him fairly, but then walked back those remarks:

“I’ll see. If I think I’ll be treated unfairly, I’ll do something else,” he said. “I think she’s very biased and I don’t think she can treat me fairly, but that doesn’t mean I don’t do the debate. I like doing the debates.”

And last week, Trump tweeted that Kelly “should not be allowed” to moderate the debate because of her “conflict of interest and bias.”

(h/t CNN)


Fox responded, “Sooner or later Donald Trump, even if he’s president, is going to have to learn that he doesn’t get to pick the journalists — we’re very surprised he’s willing to show that much fear about being questioned by Megyn Kelly.”

Trump’s indecision was echoed by Lewandowski, who told New York, “We haven’t said he’ll be there, and we haven’t said he won’t be there. The bottom line is Megyn Kelly shouldn’t be rewarded for her media bias.”


Trump Tweets Disappointment Megyn Kelly Will Moderate Debate


Donald Trump retweeted several attacks on Megyn Kelly as a moderator of the Fox News/Google debate a few days before the event on Twitter.

“@Sharp_Trident: A huge disappointment to see @megynkelly constantly attack DonaldTrump. It has become almost unbearable to watch her show.”


Trump has had an issue with Kelly since she moderated a Republican presidential debate in August. He accused her of being unfairly harsh on him by asking him valid questions about past sexist and misogynist comments. Fox News is standing by its anchor, calling the attacks on her “sexist verbal assaults.”


Trump Retweets Megyn Kelly Can’t Contain Bias


Donald Trump retweeted several attacks on Megyn Kelly as a moderator of the Fox News/Google debate a few days before the event on Twitter. This one had the added bonus of the debunked conspiracy theory that a Saudi Prince that Megyn Kelly is friends with owns Fox news.

“@Crusade4Honesty: @BornToBeGOP @megynkelly Megan can not contain her bias, it’s in every show, Fox owners Saudi Prince agnstT”


I’m not going to defend Megyn Kelly too hard here. Crusade4Honesty may have a point.

Trump has had an issue with Kelly since she moderated a Republican presidential debate in August. He accused her of being unfairly harsh on him by asking him valid questions about past sexist and misogynist comments. Fox News is standing by its anchor, calling the attacks on her “sexist verbal assaults.”

Trump Tweets Fox Would Drop Megyn Kelly Over Him


Donald Trump retweeted several attacks on Megyn Kelly as a moderator of the Fox News/Google debate a few days before the event on Twitter.

“@Belizediver88: @CNNSitRoom @CNN @megynkelly It will never happen. Fox will drop Kelly if it means no Trump. Nobody will watch w/o Trump.”


Trump has had an issue with Kelly since she moderated a Republican presidential debate in August. He accused her of being unfairly harsh on him by asking him valid questions about past sexist and misogynist comments.

Contrary to Trump’s statements, Fox News is standing by its anchor, calling the attacks on her “sexist verbal assaults.”

Donald Trump Makes Ignorant Hat Joke to Turban-Clad Protester

Donald Trump’s tetchy relationship with protesters took another controversial turn on Sunday when he appeared to mock a turban-clad man ejected from a campaign rally in Iowa.

The incident began as Trump was inveighing against “radical Islamic terror,” a common theme in his stump speeches.

“Somebody has to say what’s going on,” he said roughly 15 minutes into an hour-long speech at Muscatine High School, before referencing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the San Bernardino, Calif., shooting in December.

“When planes fly into the World Trade Center, and into the Pentagon, and wherever the third plane was going, when people are shooting their friends in California–” Trump said before abruptly pausing as his attention was drawn to the gym’s upper level, where a security guard and a police officer were confronting two protesters.

The protesters were trying to unveil a white sheet with the words “stop hate.” One of the protesters wore a beard and bright-red turban similar to those worn by Sikhs.

“Bye, bye,” Trump said sarcastically as the guard pushed the protester toward the exit and as the crowd began whistling. “Goodbye, goodbye.”

The capacity crowd then broke into chants of “U.S.A., U.S.A.,” before Trump appeared to make a quip about the protester’s turban, which was roughly the same color as Trump’s popular red “Make America Great Again” hats.

“He wasn’t wearing one of those hats was he?” Trump said, gesturing to a supporter’s hat and eliciting a laugh from the crowd.

“And he never will,” Trump continued, segueing back into his speech, “and that’s okay, because we got to do something folks because it’s not working.”


Sikh is not Muslim. Muslim is not Sikh. Read a little. You become less ignorant.



Trump Rekindles Feud With Megyn Kelly Ahead of Fox News Debate

Trump’s feud with Megan Kelly has been one of the most memorable storylines of this raucous GOP primary. In recent weeks, it has heated up. In a lengthy Vanity Fair profile this month, Kelly boasted of writing the now-famous debate question about Trump’s history of misogynistic comments, which ignited the feud this summer. And last week, Kelly sarcastically brought up Sarah Palin’s Trump endorsement, as well as hosted National Review editor Rich Lowry to promote the National Review’s anti-Trump issue.

Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, indicated that Trump could walk away from the debate if Fox won’t exclude Kelly. “Let’s see what happens,” he told me. “It’s fair to say Mr. Trump is a significant ratings driver for these debates. If we aren’t on stage for some reason, they wouldn’t have the record 24 million viewers and would be back with 1-2 million people.”

In the past, the Republican National Committee has banned media it deems unfair. It canceled a debate on NBC, and excluded the Manchester Union Leader and National Review after both outlets attacked Trump. But in this case, the RNC won’t be getting involved. “It’s up to Fox,” Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee chief strategist, told me.

In a statement to reporters, Fox News spokesperson Irena Briganti said: “Megyn Kelly has no conflict of interest. Donald Trump is just trying to build up the audience for Thursday’s debate, for which we thank him.”

For Fox News chief Roger Ailes, Trump’s threat of a debate boycott raises the stakes in a war that Ailes has struggled to develop a playbook for. Historically, Ailes’s strategy in situations where his stars are attacked is to follow a version of the Powell Doctrine: Apply overwhelming force. But Trump’s popularity with the GOP base — that is, Fox viewers — has forced Ailes to make a choice between his audience and Kelly. In the wake of the first debate, Ailes was said to be rattled by the volume of anti-Kelly emails Fox News received from Trump supporters. Kelly told people she was receiving death threats, and Fox did not have a ready response. Ailes, who is less of a presence at Fox, now has to make another choice, which could result in the GOP front runner walking away.

Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager, told me Trump could stage his own televised town hall on Thursday night and let Fox’s rivals air it. “That would be a great idea,” he said.

Donald Trump Could Just Shoot Somebody

Speaking in Iowa, Donald Trump boasted that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.

I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.


Comments like these add to the growing evidence that Donald Trump supports and condones violence against people with different ideas.

As terrible of a joke as this is it has real-world consequences. Continued hate and violent speech from Trump has caused many fights and protests at his rallies.

(h/t CNN)



Trump Tweets Megyn Kelly Should Not Moderate Debates


Donald Trump voiced his disapproval of Megyn Kelly as a moderator of the Fox News/Google debate a few days before the event on Twitter. Trump made similar comments in a campaign rally in Iowa the same day.

Based on @MegynKelly’s conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate.

(h/t Politifact)


Trump has had an issue with Kelly since she moderated a Republican presidential debate in August. He accused her of being unfairly harsh on him by asking him valid questions about past sexist and misogynist comments.

Fox responded, “Megyn Kelly has no conflict of interest. Donald Trump is just trying to build up the audience for Thursday’s debate, for which we thank him.”

Trump repeated his position that Kelly “should recuse herself from the upcoming Fox News debate,” according to Boston Globe reporter James Pindell.

Trump Retweets Racist ‘White Genocide’ Twitter Account


After months of echoing the American racist right—promising to catalogue all American Muslims, accusing immigrants of being rapists, proposing to build a wall covering the entire U.S.-Mexico border—Donald Trump was caught retweeting a racist Twitter account.

Trump used his official Twitter account to retweet the account @WhiteGenocideTM. The account, which has claimed “Hitler SAVED Europe” and that “Jews/Israel did 9/11,” is named after an increasingly popular racist idea that white nationalist have worked hard to push into the mainstream –– the idea of “white genocide.”

White genocide is an idea that white people, far from ruling most of the developed world, are actually being subjected to a genocide that will ultimately wipe out their race. In recent years, the idea has been spread through something known as the “The Mantra,” a 221-word attack on multiculturalism written by Robert Whitaker, a cantankerous segregationist making a presidential bid this year on the racist American Freedom Party ticket. The Mantra ends with the phrase, “Anti-racist is code word for anti-white.”

Already, the Tweet has garnered considerable attention on the racist right. On Stormfront, the nation’s largest white supremacist website, the user Fading Light said, “[T]his is a GOOD thing. [Trump] willingly retweeted the name. The name was chosen to raise awareness of our plight. Helped propagate it. We should be grateful.”

Another user on Stormfront, “DarkWorld423,” said, “A resounding applause to you, Herr Trump. And please pay no mind to the anti-White idiots insulting you.”

(h/t Southern Policy Law Center)


Donald Trump retweeted an account named “White Genocide“. Let that sink in for a moment.

This isn’t the first time Donald Trump went to Twitter to promote racism.

And it isn’t even the last time Trump reweeted from the same Nazi-sympathizing white supremacist Twitter account.

Trump Supporter Puts Protester in a Headlock and Tries to Drag Him Away

Trump rally in Tulsa becomes violent

A new video shows Donald Trump supporters assaulting protesters who were engaged in a peaceful demonstration.

The 1:44 minute clip was captured during a Trump rally at Oral Roberts University’s Mabee Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sarah Palin, who endorsed him earlier this week, joined the multi-billionaire at the rally yesterday.

At the beginning of the clip—which was recorded as the Republican frontrunner was wrapping up his remarks—four Trump supporters block the view of two protesters. One of the men then shoves the two protesters. A volley of words ensued between the two groups, while other rally goers can be heard yelling at the protesters, “Get out!”

At the 50 second mark a big, burly man wearing a cowboy hat puts one of the protesters in a headlock from behind and attempts to drag him away.  As Trump is boasting, “We’re going to win so much. . . you people are going to get sick and tired of winning”, security arrives, breaks up the melee, and presumably escorts the protesters out.


Violence at Trump rallies by supporters is the norm.



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