Donald Trump Shares “Chinese Virus Facts” That Are Pure Propaganda and Bunk

Donald Trump shared a video of Fox News’ Jesse Watters making a poor attempt at gaslighting you, saying:
1) “Trump did not cut funding for the CDC. It has increased since he took office.”
FACT: True CDC funding has risen, because Congress denied Trump’s multiple requests to cut CDC funding. Requests still happening today:
2) “Trump did not get rid of the NSC Pandemic unit.”
FACT: Trump absolutely dismissed his Pandemic Response Team in 2017, here is video of Trump bragging about firing the team in 2018:
3) “Trump did not call the “China Virus” a hoax.”
FACT: Here is video of Trump calling COVID-19 a hoax:
4) “Trump did not silence scientists.”
FACT: All government scientists are banned from talking to the public and all communications of government scientists must go through Mike Pence:
5) “Trump never told governors they are on their own.”
FACT: Trump told governors they are on their own and his administration is not a shipping clerk:
6) “Google is working on a website to test coronavirus”
FACT: Trump said earlier that they are working with Google to create a virus testing website for all Americans. Watters however claimed the press said that Google has no plans to do it, which was fake news. That’s not what the press pointed out at all and in fact Google itself was forced to fact-check Trump their website was not ready for all Americans but just testing in the Bay Area and had no plans to roll out to the rest of the country:
This is what Fox News does, it creates an alternative reality for their viewers by ignoring key facts, withholding context, and making stuff up.
Make no mistake this is propaganda. If you saw the media arm of a political party in any other country you would say this is exactly what propaganda looks like. If you watch Fox News you are willfully accepting lies.