Trump on Fomenting Religious Wars: ‘Who Said That?’ Reporter: ‘You Did’

Well, this doesn’t bode well for the nation’s future. Here’s Trump briefly answering press questions on Wednesday. Specifically, where the reporter asks about his statement on the attack in Berlin:
BREAKING: President-elect Trump makes impromptu appearance, speaks briefly about recent attacks.
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) December 21, 2016
Reporter: “Your comments about the truck attack in Berlin being against Christians, do think that this might….”
Trump: “Say it again?
Reporter: “The attack in Berlin being an attack on Christians….”Trump: “Who said that? When was that said?”
Reporter: I believe you said it in a press release….”
Yep, he did. In a statement released just yesterday he said “ISIS and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad.” So there you go.
I don’t know what’s worse: the possibility that he truly doesn’t remember day-to-day whether he made an inflammatory and dangerous statement or that he doesn’t know his team is making them for him.
(h/t Daily KOS)